
2014年3月25日—TheHTCOneM8wasreleasedin2014asHTC'sflagshipsmartphone.Itisknownforitsgreatspecsandascreenresolutionof1,920x1,080pixels.,HTCOne(M7);Storage.32or64GB;RemovableStorage.None(international),upto64GBmicroSDXC(ChinaandJapan);Battery.2,300mAhLi-Po;RearCamera.4.0 ...,HTCOne(M8);QualcommSnapdragon801·2.26GHzquad-core(MSM8974ABv3)2.45GHzquad-core(MSM8974ACv3)·Adreno330550/578MHz·2GBLPDDR3RA...

HTC One (M8) | Android Wiki

2014年3月25日 — The HTC One M8 was released in 2014 as HTC's flagship smartphone. It is known for its great specs and a screen resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixels.

HTC One (M7) - Android Wiki

HTC One (M7) ; Storage. 32 or 64 GB ; Removable Storage. None (international), up to 64 GB microSDXC (China and Japan) ; Battery. 2,300 mAh Li-Po ; Rear Camera. 4.0 ...

HTC One (M8)

HTC One (M8) ; Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 · 2.26 GHz quad-core (MSM8974ABv3) 2.45 GHz quad-core (MSM8974ACv3) · Adreno 330 550/578 MHz · 2 GB LPDDR3 RAM · 16 or 32 GB ...

HTC One M8 (htc

2023年9月30日 — Hold the Power and Vol- button while the device is off, or hold the Vol- and then hold the Power button while the phone is on so it will force- ...

HTC One M8s (htc

2023年4月23日 — The HTC One M8s is a refresh of the HTC One M8 (htc-m8) except with a different SoC and set of cameras. It currently boots a close-to ...

HTC One M8

smartphone manufactured by HTC.

HTC One (M8)

HTC One (M8)是台灣手機公司宏達電2014年所開發的新一代智慧型手機,屬於HTC One 系列中的高階旗艦機型,在2014年3月25日分別由HTC董事長王雪紅與執行長周永明於英國倫敦和美國紐約兩地同步正式發表,於官方網站直播,並於當日在威訊開賣。